You Make How Much After 30 Thousand Streams?
You Make How Much After 30 Thousand Streams?
Southern Cross Country spotted this facebook post from a Country Singer from Austrlaia, Corey Legge about the state of the music industry as a whole – If you have ever wondered why going to gigs is important then you need take note of the money an artist makes when they have a song streamed. Go and see as many artists as you can – its often very cheap and goes a long way to helping record the next single.

New Kiwi Music Releases
New Kiwi Music Releases
Jayden Shingleton has released his latest single – “Saturday’s for the Boys “ . This follows his latest single “World for You“ Jayden is currently in the process of finalising his next album which st this stage looks set for release early 2024. And – CMA award winner Kaylee Bell has released her latest single Good Things
Listen Now..

Reg McTaggart - A Natural Entertainer
Reg McTaggart - A Natural Entertainer
The New Zealand country music scene lost one of its original cowboys recently – Reg McTaggart was an award winning country music legend – born in Dunedin but settled in Arrowtown. Hear the name Reg McTaggart and you automatically think Country Music. After winning the “Buddy Williams” award at the Tamworth Festival in 1989, Reg went on to win many awards throughout his career including Best New Male Vocal 1990 and Best Duet with Denise Hayes 1993 at the NZ Country Music Recording Awards. In 2004 he was inducted into the Gore Hands of Fame. Reg recorded many albums and singles and worked tirelessly to share his talent at huge festivals right through to local school events. Forever remembered for his classic country voice and beautiful guitar playing, Reg was a natural entertainer who gave a lot of his time to others and he will always be a huge part of the NZ Country Music landscape – From the album Crossing Bridges in 1990 to It’s Just My Pride in 2020 theres plenty of Reg to play and remember. Thanks Reg for sharing your gift – You’ve hung up the cowboy hat, but your boots will always be walking those country music roads